1958 – The SIL New Guinea Branch members at the first SIL PNG Branch Conference. Walt – Back row 2 from the right,
Vonnie - Middle row 2 from the right. The Steinkraus house is visible at far right. (Photo Courtesy of Bruce Hooley)
Back Row (L-R)Lex Collier, Don Davis, Alan Healey, Jim Dean, Dick Lloyd, David Cummings, Karl Franklin, Des Oatridge, Ray
Nicholson, Alex Vincent, Lois Vincent, Bruce Hooley, Joyce Hooley, Harland Kerr, Bill Oates, Robert Young, Ray Brown, Walt
Steinkraus, Edie West.
Middle Row (L – R) Val Collier, Launa Davis, Glady Dean, Doreen Marks, Gwen Gibson, Jenny Oatridge, Ruth Nicholson, Lyn
Oates, Marie Kerr, Rosemary Young, Vonnie Steinkraus, Joice Franklin.
Front Row (L – R) Jean Langley, Joy McCarthy, Glady Nealy, Lorna Luff, Audrey Payne, Dot Drew, Kathy Barker, Darlene Bee.
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