Over the next few months, Walt and Vonnie wrote many letters and wrestled with their relationship,
since they seemed to be going in opposite directions. Walt was sure Vonnie was the one for him, but
Vonnie wasn’t so sure. At other times, Vonnie was sure and Walt wasn’t. However, God was directing
their steps.
In January 1956, Vonnie had her tickets for Peru in hand and felt torn. Her love for Walt had grown and
yet she felt compelled to go to Peru. After much prayer, she decided to move ahead and go to Peru,
leaving their relationship in God’s hands.
On January 5, 1956, she departed for Peru and soon found herself in Lima. After some initial language
learning and cross-cultural training, Vonnie boarded a small SIL mission airplane to Yarinacocha (Yarina),
the SIL jungle base in Peru.
The Center Director, Harold Goodall met with Vonnie to discuss finding a partner for jungle work.
Vonnie shared with him her feelings for Walt and he encouraged her to be in prayer and to search the
Scriptures for answers. Meanwhile, the search was on for a work partner for Vonnie.
At Yarina, Vonnie’s nursing skills were quickly put to work. The need for a center nurse quickly
consumed her time. Vonnie enjoyed her work and so did the local people and other missionaries whom
she treated. The nagging feelings for Walt and the desire to do tribal work continued. Letters continued
between Vonnie and Walt as they wrestled with God’s will for their lives and work.
Eventually, Walt wrote Vonnie a letter stating that he was accepted to work in New Guinea and that he
was on his way to jungle camp in Mexico. He hadn’t told Vonnie, but he had written to Wycliffe asking
permission for her to come to New Guinea. If they allowed it, he would pursue marriage plans with her.
If they refused, he was prepared to go to New Guinea alone since he was sure of his call to go there.
Walt finished his jungle training. In the summer of 1956 he found his way back to SIL, Norman, for his
second semester of studies with a renewed calling to go to New Guinea. Vonnie was saddened by the
news, as her love for Walt had grown during their time of separation. In her response to Walt, she said
she would be prepared to leave Peru if God had intended them to be together.
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