about Walt and Vonnie by Hugh Steven. Some of the material for this book was gained from Hugh’s
Until her sophomore year in high school, Vonnie saw little practical use of education. This mattered very
little to a young woman full of life and vitality with a passion for sports and riding horses and tending to
her work in the garden. However, in her last two years at Central High School in Sheboygan, Wisconsin,
she improved academically and took school seriously and graduated as 81st in a class of 393 students.
However, her life was soon to change. Her sister Phyll attended a Christian Brethren Assembly. There
she became a Christian after being asked if she was saved, to which she answered, “No”. Soon after the
good news was preached to Phyll, the joy of a new life in Christ filled her, and Vonnie became the focus
of her attention.
By this time, 1947, Vonnie had graduated from high school and was enrolled at Rockford College in
Rockford, Illinois. Early that fall, Phyll and a friend, Virginia Felton, drove to the college and spent the
night talking to Vonnie about her need for Christ as Savior. While Vonnie responded “yes” to the
invitation, she was far from convinced.
Vonnie accepted an invitation to attend Wheaton College’s Homecoming Week just to prove to herself
that evangelical Christianity was not for her, but for religious fanatics. However, after the weekend,
Vonnie realized she needed to make a decision to accept or reject the Good News of Jesus Christ. She
returned to Rockford and studied the Bible. After reading II Corinthians 5:17 and a few other verses, she
accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here.
II Corinthians 5:17 (NIV)
That night, October 19, 1947, God also impressed on her heart the desire to serve Him on the mission
field. She wrote in her diary, “I’ll trust Him to 6V