California Track & Running News Jan-Mar 2013, VOLUME 39 NUMBER 2 | Page 6
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pacific assn
President’s Message, LDR
Irene Herman
Mark Winitz
6 ct&rn • Jan–Mar 2013
[email protected]
The Pacific Association has the largest cross
country series in the United States! Thanks to our
energetic clubs, you had 12 cross country races to
pick and choose from. If you participated in 5 of
them, you were eligible for Grand Prix scoring,
including the PA championship (and Western Region champs) on Nov. 18. The winners of the Grand
Prix and the open men and women PA champ winners will be funded $250 each to compete in the
Winter USA Cross Country Championships in
Clayton, MO on Feb. 2.
Looking ahead, the Pacific Association
proudly announces that we’ve been awarded the
2015 Club National Cross Country Championship
at Golden Gate Park. The date is the second
weekend of December. Our local organizing
committee will start meeting this year and will
provide a progress report and advise you as to
how PA clubs can assist in sponsorship. John
Rembao, our marketing chair and XC meet director, will work with our website com-com committee on advertising and marketing this event.
There’s also talk that the national office is considering a joint Cross Country Junior Olympic Championship with the Club Nationals. We’ll know
more later, when a decision is made. If this can be
done, then San Francisco is the perfect place for
it. It’s a great destination with lots of activities
for the youth, and public transportation is easy.
Our membership year begins Jan. 1 of each
year and expires on Dec. 31. On Oct. 31, 2012,
USATF closes the prior year’s membership
counts. We had a few hundred fewer members in
2012 than we had in 2011, when the WMA
[World’s Masters Athletics] championships in
Sacramento created a spike of 150+ members.
Increased membership does bring funds into our
association; however, it’s the event sanctioning
and insurance that bring prize money and programs to our association. If you hear of clubs or
events that need sanctioning and insurance,
please direct them to our website where there
are explanations and forms.
Remind your club to renew its membership
just as individual members must. You will be automatically renewed with your current team/club.
If you plan to change clubs, the 90-day rule still
applies from the date of the last sanctioned
event. Please renew with your current club and
email me that you wish to become unattached
from the date of your last sanctioned event. Remember that during this time, you must wear
generic athletic attire to compete as Unattached.
Close to the conclusion of the 90-day period,
email me again so that we can update your profile
to your new club. Post-Christmas Relays is a good
time to do this because the first LDR road race is
in March.
Club captains and representatives: It’s important for you to check and confirm
that your members did renew and did not accidentally become unattached by forgetting to input a
club, especially new members. Everybody should
know this, young and old. With the online registration, it’s easy to pass a field quickly and make a mistake. Youth clubs: Please have your members
renew before practices begin. Youth members
should not be practicing with a club if they aren’t
affiliated with that club. Club practice insurance is
provided to the club; unaffiliated youth working
out with a club are not insured for liability.
The annual USATF meeting was in Daytona
Beach, FL Nov. 29–Dec. 2, 2012. President
Stephanie Hightower was re-elected and former
president Bill Roe is the new LDR Chair. (Editor’s
Note: Look for an overview of the annual meeting
in our next issue. See page 20 in this issue for a
list of national award winners.)
Look for an update soon about San Francisco’s Kezar Stadium and its need for rehabilitation. For the moment, if you know of track & field
facilities that might be available for our youth
meets or practices, please let me know. Carl Rose
of Strawberry Canyon recently told me about the
renovated Cal-Berkeley track, so get ready for the
All-Comers at Berkeley in February.
LDR News
Applied Materials Silicon Valley Turkey Trot
Elite 5K
PA/USATF Championship - Open Individuals
San Jose; Nov. 22, 2012
On a bright morning perfect for fast running,
20,000-plus finishers turned out and completed
mass-participant 5K and 10K events at this rapidly
growing Thanksgiving Day event in downtown San
Jose. Those who stuck around after their races witnessed course records in the separate elite men’s