California Track & Running News Apr-June 2013, VOLUME 39 NUMBER 2 | Page 26
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But it was Jon Olsen
(Tamalpa) who, like Bon,
achieved a stunning breakthrough on the world
stage and earned UROY
honors in the process.
(Open) debuted with a season highlighted by
top-three overall finishes at the Ohlone and
Whiskeytown 50Ks, punctuated by an 18:47 inaugural effort at the Western States 100M.
Toshi Hosaka continued the Quicksilver
surge with a successful defense of his Senior
Open crown, winning the tightest points competition of the season, 323–307. He was also
the busiest Grand Prix runner of 2012, with nine
For all its impressive talents-of-many-ages,
Quicksilver does have an unquestioned team
leader in five-time defending Masters champion
Jean Pommier. Now 48, he can still win the
Grand Prix’s most competitive division by 100
points over runners mostly his junior. He can still
be counted on to establish new age-group
course records at several races annually—in
2012, at both the Ruth Anderson 50M and Quicksilver 50K—as well as to win races outright, as
he did at both of those along with the Ohlone
50K. 2012 was Pommier’s sixth consecutive
Grand Prix crown, placing him in a class by himself in terms of historic dominance of the series.
With notably strong placements at both
the Jed Smith and Tamalpa Headlands 50Ks—
overall seventh and 15th, respectively—Dan
Decker rounds out Quicksilver’s roster of division champions. In just his second season of
Seniors competition, he ascended from an alsoran in 2011 to a slot comfortably atop the standings, winning by nearly a century.
Among the Super Seniors, it was Tamalpa’s
Charles Savage’s turn to quash Quicksilver’s
hope of a repeat title. In a season capped by his
20th finish at the Western States 100M, Savage
parlayed his natural persistence and notable
quality control into a 100-plus points triumph.
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For both
overall and
Persistence? Savage had been a four-time runner-up in this age-group, starting with a razorthin three-point loss when he was a