California Track & Running News Apr-June 2013, VOLUME 39 NUMBER 2 | Page 23

CTRN-APR-JUNE_2013--1_Layout 1 4/24/13 8:18 AM Page 23 1. the sport needs you. 3. your Athletic club needs you. 2. your usAtF Association needs you. 4. you need you (as an official). All sports, including track & field, long distance running, and race walking require officials to ensure fair competition. When issues or infractions arise, trained officials, umpires, and referees are there to resolve the matter—that is, they’re there much of the time, particularly at championship events. But our veteran officials force is succumbing to age. While we’re seeing an encouraging influx of new officials, they often don’t officiate with enough regularity—or at all—to make up for our dedicated, tried-and-true officials who find that they can’t officiate with the vigor or frequency that they once could. Consequently, despite our best efforts, an increasing number of events under USATF’s umbrella are conducted without adequate officiating crews. Fair competition depends on dedicated, certified USATF officials, all of whom work as volunteers. All 57 USATF associations have track & field/LDR/race walking events within their boundaries that require competent officiating crews. USATF requires that all of its sanctioned events follow applicable USATF rules of competition. Certified USATF officials understand these rules and are trained to identify and adjudicate rules infractions in an unbiased manner. USATF officials typically rally around, and are appointed to work at, USATF’s national championships. However, many USATF associations conduct association championship events with inadequate officiating crews. The associations with the strongest competitive programs—such as association Grand Prix circuits—typically require the strongest force of active officials to ensure that their events are professionally conducted in a manner that’s fair to all. Many USATF member clubs organize and conduct open and invitational competitions. Too often these clubs run into shortages when they seek officials for these events. If your club organizes events, you can offer a valuable resource as an official. Three years ago, the LDR Committee of Pacific Association/USATF approved a policy that requires its clubs to have a minimum number of certified USATF officials (with an LDR/XC specialty) on their club roster in order to score team points on the PA/USATF Road and Cross Country Grand Prix circuits. This landmark move among USATF associations swelled the number of PA/USATF LDR/XC officials to over 60. (PA/USATF has more than 300 certified officials in all sport disciplines.) “We must now find ways to encourage more of these new officials to actually work events,” said PA/USATF LDR officials coordinator Mark Winitz. Who Needs YOU To Be A USATF Official? If you enjoy competing on a regular basis, you know that there are times when you just can’t, or it’s not prudent, to compete. Wise athletes carefully plan their competitive schedules to avoid burnout and/or injury. In particular, veteran athletes know that growing older requires more judicious planning of competitions to remain motivated and healthy. And even the most careful plans sometimes end with a temporary or permanent inability to compete. Officiating is a rewarding and productive way to stay involved in your sport during these times. Plan ahead and become a USATF official. Your involvement in the sport you love can continue regardless of whether you’re entered in tomorrow’s race or not. Why not give it a shot? WE NEED YOU! Join San Diego’s Sweetest Race! May 26, 2013 4th Annual Vista Chip Timed for 10k & 5k All Racers Receive: 23 Performance T Custom Medal Fresh Fruit Free Craft Beer (21+) April–June 2013 • ct&rn Register Today: