California real estate disclosure laws California Real Estate Disclosures | Page 18
A designated very high fire hazard severity zone. The seller and the
seller’s agent must make this disclosure if:
The seller, or the seller’s agent, has actual knowledge that the
property is in a designated very high fire hazard severity zone; or
The local agency has received a map of such properties which
includes the seller’s property and has posted at the offices of the
county recorder, county assessor, and county planning agency a
notice that identifies the location of the map and any changes to it.*
(CAL. GOV’T § 51183.5)
A designated wildland area (“state responsibility area”) that may
contain substantial forest fire risks and hazards. The seller and the
seller’s agent must make this disclosure if:
the seller or the seller’s agent has actual knowledge that the
property is in a designated wildland fire zone; or
the city or county has received a map of such properties which
includes the seller’s property and has posted at the offices of the
county recorder, county assessor, and county planning agency a
notice that identifies the location of the map and any changes to it.*
(CAL. PUB. RES. § 4136)
An earthquake fault zone. These zones are over earthquake faults and
are usually about one quarter mile in width. The seller’s agent, or the
seller if acting without an agent, must disclose that the property is in one
of these zones if:
the seller, or the seller’s agent, has actual knowledge that the
property is within a delineated earthquake fault zone; or
the city or county has received a map of such properties which
includes the seller’s property and has posted at the offices of the
county recorder, county assessor, and county planning agency a
notice that identifies the location of the map and any changes to it.*
(CAL. PUB. RES. § 2621.9)
A seismic hazard zone. In an earthquake, properties in one of these
zones may be subject to strong ground shaking, soil liquefaction, or
landslide. The seller’s agent, or the seller if acting without an agent,
must disclose that the property is in one of these zones if:
the seller, or the seller’s agent, has actual knowledge that the
property is within a delineated seismic hazard zone; or