Arcadia Chief Bob Guthrie and Monrovia Chief Jim Hunt
Crime Fighters
Chiefs in neighboring cities embrace technology to meet challenges
They’re probably tweeting each other.
Bob Guthrie and Jim Hunt not only share the distinction
of taking over as police chiefs in the adjacent cities of
Arcadia and Monrovia within a month of each other this
summer, but they als o have similar visions about embracing
technology and social media during an era of tight budgets
and limited resources.
Guthrie, 40, was sworn in as Arcadia’s police chief on Aug.
11, capping a 21-year career with the upper-middle class city
of 54,000 located about 20 miles east of Los Angeles.
Behind The Badge
Hunt, 54, was named Monrovia’s top cop on Sept. 6. He has
been a police officer for 20 years with the city that 39,000
people call home.
Both newly anointed police chiefs are looking for ways
to run their departments more efficiently and stay as
connected to their communities as possible through the use
of technology.
Over the last few years, the Arcadia Police Department has
become regarded as one of the more Internet-savvy police
agencies around, with a blog, Facebook page and Twitter