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Fall 2017 | Volume 6 | Number 1
California FFA News is published quarterly by the
California Association, FFA.
California Association, FFA
Post Office Box 460
Galt, California 95632
[email protected]
Editor and Graphic Design:
Jennifer Luiz Patton
Twisted Twig Design & Print
[email protected]
This school Year
California FFA
has a leadership
Greenhand Leadership Conference (GLC)
We are always looking for great stories about members
and alumni around our state. Know of a story that we
should feature in CA FFA News?
Please email [email protected].
Submission deadlines:
Fall............. June 1st
Winter........ September 1st
Spring........ November 15th
Summer...... March 1st
What: Introduction to Agricultural Education, Career Success
Who: Freshmen
When: One Day Conferences in Aug., Sep. and Oct.
Introduces students to the benefits and opportunities in Agricultural
Education, including SAE and FFA. This conference is the “hook-
line-and-sinker” to get students to buy into Agricultural Education
throughout their four years in high school.
Made for Excellence Conference (MFE)
What: ME: Student Development, Personal Growth
Who: Sophomores
When: Two Day Conferences held in January and February
Personal development starts with the individual. Self-discovery
of talents, strengths, interests and personal character are
emphasized as the individual is channeled to discover their
passion in life. This conference focuses on “Student Development
and ME: one’s personal skills and development of the ability to
be successful.”
Advanced Leadership Academy (ALA)
Upcoming Events
September • 6-8 Greenhand Leadership Conference
(GLC) - Bakersfield 12-13 GLC - Menifee 12-16 GLC
- Paso Robles 14 GLC - Lakeside 14-16 GLC - Fresno
15 GLC - Calipatria 18-21 GLC - Tulare 20 GLC -
Fortuna 25-27 GLC - Colusa 27 GLC - Petaluma
October • 3-4 GLC - Redding 3-6 GLC - Lodi 23-24
National FFA Convention Delegate Trip 25-28 National
FFA Convention & Expo 28-31 State Educational Tour
of Washington D.C.
What: WE: Chapter Development, Personal Growth
Who: Juniors
When: Two Day Conferences held in January and February
Once a leader is comfortable with their own self and self-
purpose, they can discover how to work with others and
establish a goal. The process for analyzing program needs and
planning a project or event is the focus of this conference as
students discover how to be teams of innovative leaders in their
chapter. This conference about “WE: the individual leader, their
relationships with others and how to establish common vision.”
Sacramento Leadership Experience (SLE)
What: SERVE: Community Development, Personal Growth
Who: Seniors
When: Four Day Conference held in March
Students step into the role of one of California’s State legislators,
are assigned a specific California district and spend four days in
Sacramento. SLE is all about the role of government, agricultural
policy and advocacy. This conference focuses on Community
Development and SERVE: the ability to grow and develop others
and serve your community.”
California FFANEWS • Page 2 • Fall 2017