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As I write this, it is 106 degrees in
Placer County and we just celebrated
Independence Day, the 4th of July.
Let’s make every day Independence
Day and honor America and the outdoor lifestyle and freedoms we enjoy
by recognizing the sacrifices of the
many patriotic Americans who have
given so much for our great country.
Let’s also protect our way of life for
all those who follow us.
I am proud that at our banquets
we honor our veterans and active
military with the Wings of Freedom
statue. This statue is sponsored by
Andy and Margo Wood of Chico
and was initially the idea of Rodney
Torres. You all may recognize Andy
Wood’s name as our Past President
and longtime Board of Directors member, and Rodney Torres is our Field
Director in the central and southern
part of the state. Thank you Margo
and gentlemen for this important tribute to our service men and women.
The primary mission of CDA is
to improve our California deer herds
and other wildlife through habitat
improvement and research projects.
Our Project Committee will have met
by the time you receive this magazine
and they are debating the funding of
24 project proposals. My hat is off to
both the Project Committee and the
Support Committee members for taking on this important task and to Larry
Smith for chairing this important
work. I have often said of t