Junior Hunting Opportunities
2014 Chimineas
Junior Deer Hunt
The Department of Fish and Wildlife, in cooperation with the California
Deer Association (CDA), will be hosting apprentice deer hunting opportunities on the 30,000-acre Chimineas unit
of the Carrizo Plains Ecological Reserve
in San Luis Obispo County. This year’s
annual hunt will be held on September
13th and 14th.
Three apprentice hunters will be
chosen by lottery and then attend a
mandatory hunter orientation that
will be held in the evening on Friday,
September 12th. Overnight lodging will
be available at the main ranch house on
the ecological reserve on both Friday
and Saturday nights.
Selected apprentice hunters must
be accompanied by an adult. Participants will receive classroom, range and
field training in gun handling techniques and safety, deer hunting and
game care. Hunts will be led by CDA
volunteers. CDA will provide dinner
on Friday night, along with breakfast,
lunch, and dinner on Saturday, as well
as breakfast and lunch on Sunday.
Applicants must submit a postcard
with the hunter’s name, address, telephone number and 2014-2015 junior
hunting licens