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We are getting close to the end of
our 2013 Banquet Season and things
are really cranked up for our chapters
that have banquets still to go. If you
are looking for a great time and want
to meet up with some wonderful
folks that share your outdoor passion, check out the banquet schedule
in this magazine or on our website
for the remaining events. If you have
already attended your local banquet,
THANK YOU for your support of
CDA! We are having a fantastic banquet season — most chapter banquets
are up in revenue from last year and
it looks like we are going to have
another record year!
It takes hard work to coordinate
a fundraising event and our committees should be congratulated for
their efforts. Without a strong team
of volunteers, CDA would be in
the poorhouse because we generate
most of our income from fundraising
banquets and these events are managed and organized by volunteers.
Without our backbone of volunteers
we wouldn’t have the project dollars
that are so needed to fund the wildlife
habitat projects that benefit wildlife,
both game and non-game animals.
The CDA has spent over $4 million on
projects within the boundaries of our
great state since 1996. This couldn’t
have happened with