Sharing the
Ten years ago the California Deer
Association and the Tejon Ranch
jointly embarked on a trial junior
hunting event with 10 junior hunters. It has since turned into an annual event. During the past 10 years
the program known as Sharing the
Tradition has touched the lives of 179
junior hunters, their mentors, Tejon
staff, and sponsors in ways not imagined in 2004.
Though the number of juniors
hunters participating annually
California Deer
reached as high as 25, in the last few
years it has leveled off to 15. Each
of these juniors has been selected
through a free, random drawing open
to all junior hunters in California.
In addition to going on a one-onone fully guided hunt accompanied by
their mentor (father, mother, grandfather, uncle, or friend), the junior and
their mentor were also housed in one
of Tejon Ranch’s first-class lodges and
had first-class meals. All of the hunts
took place on the 270,000-acre ranch
located just south of Bakersfield in
the Tehachapi Mountains.
Juniors experienced more than
just the hunt as many had a chance
to see deer, pronghorn antelope, wild
pigs, elk, turkeys, mountain lions,
bobcats, coyotes, bald eagles, and
even condors and more.
Hunting conditions during the 10
years ranged from beautiful, warm
sunny days, to rain, and even snow.
Throughout it all, those hunting for
antlerless deer had a success rate of