California Compliant: Sportsmen's Advocate Winter 2023 California Compliant | Page 39

are meant to muddle that science and elevate the ideology of a vocal minority divorced from reality .
The word salad didn ’ t stop with the title and description . For more than an hour , four presenters preached at the audience , crucifying the North American model .
ADOBE STOCK that the current system of state wildlife management in the U . S . is out of alignment with modern ecological understanding , public attitudes , public trust principles and norms of democratic governance , and that systemic problems hinder states from meeting the challenge of protecting wildlife today . Presentations will examine the issue from an ecological , governance , ethical and political perspective , and suggest ways state wildlife management can be improved in each area . Panelists bring a diversity of perspectives based on their experiences working at wildlife agencies , NGOs , academia , and serving on wildlife commissions .”
That ’ s a lot of words . A lot of big words intertwining nebulous social concepts with wildlife management , all of which
A HYPOCRITICAL SERMON The high priest running the catechism was Kevin Bixby , executive director of Wildlife For All , an organization focused on changing wildlife management at the game-commission level . Perverting the principles of the North American model by selectively interpreting “ public trust ” and “ democracy ,” Bixby and his deacons envision a future of wildlife management where shrieking fanatics dictate management using a scripture of compassion and justice . Science be damned !
In his time at the microphone , Bixby expounded on the sinfully undemocratic makeup of wildlife commissions in all 50 states . As he pointed a condemning finger at white , male hunters comprising too much power , insisting on a more democratic makeup and voice to all game commissions , he failed to acknowledge the hypocritical composition of his own panel and those espousing his belief system : affluent , white , urban residents and suburbanites far removed from the interface and repercussions of mismanaged wildlife .
Before he concluded , Bixby did take time to incorporate my column into his presentation , pointing to it as the problem , an example of what is dividing and stymieing the conversion of skeptics to their new faith-based management of wildlife . It ’ s a scarlet letter I ’ ll wear with pride .
As Bixby stepped aside , each minister took their turn at damning modern wildlife management .
Harriet Allen , former manager of Washington Threatened and Endangered Species : Allen ’ s turn at the pulpit focused on biodiversity loss . Lamenting climate change and species
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