California Compliant: Sportsmen's Advocate Winter 2023 California Compliant | Page 37

Part of a mentor ' s responsibilities is helping a new hunter find places to hunt . If it ' s private land , the duty includes guiding the conversation for access .


A significant percentage of new sportsmen quit within a few years . The following top the list of reasons why they quit . As a mentor , the more of these you can address , the more likely a new hunter will stick around .
False Perceptions Many new hunters go into this thinking it will be something that it ’ s not . Hunting is hours of nothingness followed by split-second decisions . A misstep at any point can lead to a dejected newbie . Many YouTube channels and TV shows don ' t help unrealistic expectations .
Confusing Laws Some states make it more difficult to hunt deer than it should be . When it takes days to learn the hunting laws , it may be too complicated .
Lack of Access Land sales and lease prices continue to skyrocket , getting permission continues to get more difficult , and public land isn ’ t in abundance everywhere . Habitat degradation further reduces those huntable acreages .
Convenience Many quit hunting because it is hard work that takes days or weeks to fill the freezer ( if that happens at all ). Food is easier to get ( and sometimes cheaper ) from a grocery store .
Priorities Work , kids ’ sports , family vacations and ticked-off spouses pull at us all . Oftentimes , there simply isn ’ t enough time on the clock for new hunters to keep going .
High Costs You can get into hunting on the cheap , but let ’ s be honest . Gear , licenses , tags and everything else associated with it , especially as you go deeper or become more specialized , will take a bite from anyone ' s budget .
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