California Chess Journal 3 - 2004 | Page 5

ISSUE 2004.3 Reno Games PAGE 5 Western States Open Reno, NV 10/18/2004 FM Eric Schiller vs. Michael Patraw Queen Pawn Opening [D04] 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 e6 3.e3 Nc6 4.b3 d5 5.Bb2 Bd6 6.Nbd2 O-O 7.c4 Re8 8.c5?! 8.Ne5 would have eliminated the possibility of ...e5. 8...Bf8 9.Bd3 Nd7 10.Rc1?! Playing for tricks. Castling was correct. 10...e5! Black rips open the center. I'm going to have to get my king castled somehow! 11.dxe5 Nxc5 12.Bb1 b6! The bishop correctly heads for the a6-f1 diagonal. 12...Bg4? 13.Rxc5 Bxc5 14.Qc2 g6 15.Qxc5 13.O-O Ba6! 14.h4!? I'm willing to sacrifice the exchange, and more. I was in a headhunting mood. 14...Nb4 14...Bxf1 15.Nxf1 threatens the Greek gift sacrifice on h7. 15...g6 (15...Ne7 16.Bxh7+ Kxh7 17.Ng5+ Kg6 18.Qg4 Qd7 19.e6! fxe6 20.Ng3! e5 21.Qh5+ Kf6 22.Qf7#) 16.h5 was a position I was willing to play. 15.Bxh7+! Kxh7 16.Ng5+ Kg6 16...Kg8 is countered by 17.Qh5. 17.Qg4 Qd7! 18.e6! fxe6 19.Rxc5! The knight at c5 might have otherwise have been able to participate in the defense. 19...bxc5 20.Ndf3 Threatening a huge fork at e5. 20...Nc6 21.Nxe6+! Kf7 22.Nfg5+ The second knight comes into the attack. 22...Ke7 23.Ba3! Threatening mate at c5. 23...Nb4 24.Rc1! Nd3 25.Rc3!? 25.Rxc5! works right away. I saw I could win the queen, but got a little lazy, and was seduced by the clear win I saw coming on the next move. 25...Nxc5 26.Bxc5+ Qd6 27.Bxd6+ cxd6 (27...Kxd6 28.Qf4+ Kc6 29.Qxc7+ Kb5 30.Nd4+ Kb4 31.Nc2+ Kb5 32.a4#) 28.Qf4 Kd7 29.Qa4+ Ke7 30.Qxa6 is simple enough. 25...Kd6 26.Rxc5! Rxe6 26...Nxc5 27.Bxc5+ Kc6 28.Nd4+ Kxc5 29.Qxd7 Kb4 30.Qa4+ Kc3 31.b4 leads to a forced mate. 27.Ra5+ Ke5 27...Kc6 28.Qa4+ Kb7 29.Qxd7 28.Qd4+ Kf5 29.Rxd5+ Re5 31.Rxg7 Bd6 32.Nf7 Bc5 33.Qg4+ Kf6 34.Qg6+ Black Resigned. Position after 9...Nd7 Position after 14...Nb4 Position after 18...fxe6