DeGuzman dominates local scene
In many chess communities
throughout the United States,
and indeed all over the world,
one expects to find a player
with a Russian, Armenian, or it
Georgian taking top honors in
the local competitions. However, here in San Francisco a
member of the Filipino community is the man to beat. International master Ricardo de
Guzman has been winning
tournament after tournament
in the Bay area.
International Master
Ricardo DeGuzman
DeGuzman vs. Michael Aigner,
Black Knight Halloween Swiss
1. c3 f5 2. d4 Nf6 3. f3 d5 4. Nh3
c5 5. Nf2 Nc6 6. e3 Qb6 7. Qb3
Qxb3 8. axb3 e5 9. Bb5 cxd4 10.
exd4 exd4 11. cxd4 Kf7 12. Bxc6
bxc6 13. Nd3 Bd6 14. Bf4 Bxf4
15. Nxf4 Bd7 16. Nd3 Rhb8 17.
Nd2 Ke7 18. Kf2 Kd6 19. h4 Ne8
20. b4 f4 21. Ra4 Rb6 22. Nb3
Nc7 23. Rha1 Bf5 24. Nbc5 Bxd3
25. Nxd3 Nb5 26. Nxf4 Rb7 27.
Rd1 Re8 28. Rd2 Rbe7 29. h5
Re1 30. Ne2 Rh1 31. Ng3 Rc1 32.
Nf5+ Kc7 33. Nxg7 Ree1 34. Nf5
Kb6 35. g4 Nc7 36. Ra3 1-0
There just
seems to be no
stopping IM
who has been
dominating the
Bay Area Chess
scene lately.
Yefim Bukh was second at 4 followed by
Filipino IM Ricardo DeGuzman
Philipp Semenenko in the
site. The event was directed by Nicolas Yap, Dmitry
won the top section of 2004
Booster Section ( U1400 ) with
the Author and Robert Blatt.
Vayntraub, Sam
Burlingame Open outright
a 3.5 - 0.5 score. The tourna-
The Burlingame Chess Club
Shankland, Ewelina
with a perfect 4-0 score. The
ment drew 53 players which is
was the host for the site.
Krubnik and Rama-
other two section winners
slightly less than the 60 player
On December 4, IM De-
nathan Thirupathy at
were Julian Standen in the Re-
the organizers had hoped for,
Guzman was again victori-
3.5. Anthony Corra-
serve Section ( U1800 ), also
but a respectable showing for
ous the 4th annual Guthrie
les directed the 28-
with a perfect 4-0 score and
a first tournament at a new
McClain Memorial, scoring 4.5
player event for the
from 5.
DeGuzman wins Black Knight Halloween Tourney
International Master Ricardo
de Guzman came out on top
of the October Open at the
Academic Chess BlacKnight
Palace in San Jose with a score
of 3.5/4. In his classic "trick or
treat" playing style, DeGuzman defeated NM Michael
Aigner on Halloween morning
with the rare Saragossa opening (1. c3). Only FM Eric
Schiller managed to escape
with a half point after a difficult endgame against de
Guzman. Second place went
to Aigner with 3.0/4 while
Schiller and Amarnath Mukherjee shared third place with
2.5. Mukherjee won the top
under 2200 honors.
40 players took part in this
event, which was capably directed by Albert Rich. Half of
those players were in the competitive booster (1600-1999)
section. Amazingly, nobody
managed to score more than
3.0/4, resulting in a six-way tie
for first place and top under
1800 between Jan De Jong,
Eric Madriaga, Patrick Shepherd, Arnav Shah, Stephen
Young, and Ken White. The
only person to achieve a perfect score in the tournament
was reserve section
champion Alberto
Calderon. The under
1400 honors went to
Albert Gu, Jonathan
Pak, and Yukihiro
—Michael Aigner