CalCHESS Journal Summer 2014 | Page 33

Upcoming Regular Tournaments Sat, Oct 25th‐Sun, Oct 26th, 2014  43rd Carroll Capps Mem.  Mechanics’, San Francisco  Fri, Oct 31th‐Sun, Nov 2nd, 2014  US Class Championship  Santa Clara Convention Center  Sat, Nov 8th, 2014  Milpitas $uper$wiss  Bay Area Chess Center, Milpitas  Sat, Nov 8th, 2014   Sacramento $uper$wiss  Sat, Nov 15th, 2014  14th Pierre Saint‐Amant Mem. G/45  Sun, Nov 16th, 2014  Cupertino Duper$wiss  Courtyard Marriott, Cupertino  Sat, Nov 22nd‐Sun, Oct 23rd, 2014  Berkeley Open  Hillside Elementary, Berkeley  Fri, Nov 28th‐Sun, Nov 30th, 2014  California Class Champ  Courtyard, Rancho Cordova  Mechanics’, San Francisco  Hilton, Santa Clara  Sat, Dec 6th, 2014  14th Guthrie McClain Mem. G/45  Sun, Dec 7th, 2014  Cupertino Duper$wiss  Courtyard Marriott, Cupertino  Sat, Dec 13th, 2014  Milpitas $uper$wiss  Bay Area Chess Center, Milpitas   Sat, Dec 13th, 2014   Sacramento $uper$wiss  Fri, Dec 19th‐Sun, Dec 21st, 2014  Sat, Dec 27th‐Sun, Dec 28th, 2014       Winter Champ  Mechanics’, San Francisco  Courtyard, Rancho Cordova  Bay Area Chess Center, Milpitas  CA Senior/Non‐Senior Open   Holiday Inn Express, Sacramento     For details please visit  TromsØ Olympiad Tactics – Answers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. White has a choice of queening combinations: 1. Qxg7+ Kxg7 2. e7 +- or 1.Qe7 fxe6 2.f6! Rxe7 3.fxe7 +-  Black mates after 1…Qf3! with the threat of …Qg2# when 2.Bxf2 loses to 2….Qxf2 3.Kh1 Qxh2#. The only way to delay mate is with 2.Qf1 giving up the queen. Black mates after 1.Qh6! when there is no way to stop mate by the knight on f6. 1…Bf2!! and the White queen is lost since 2.Qxf2 loses to 2…Nfxg4+ 3.hxg4 Nxg4+ -+ White mates in five with 1.Rxf7+ Kxf7 2.Qh7+ Kf8 3.Qh8+ Kf7 4.Bh5+ Ke7 5.Qg7# White wins a piece with 1.Bxe5! when any recapture leads to the queen fork 2.Qc4+ winning the bishop by 3.Qxg4 after the king moves. White gives up the queen with 1.Nxf8! and the game continued 1…Rxd1 2.Nxg6+ Kh7 3.Rfxd1 Qa8 4.Nxe7 Qxe4 5.a5 +- and the a-pawn will queen or force the win of material. White crashed through with 1.Nxd5! Play continued 1…exd5 2.e6! Ne5 3.Bxe7+ Kxe7 4.Qf6+ Kf8 5.Qxe5 Qxa2 6.Qf6! +White won with 1.Qxb8 Rxb8 2.Re8+ Kh7 3.Rxb8 Qd1+ 4.Kh2 Qh5+ 5.Bh3 Qf3 6.d8(Q) +   Page 32 CalChess Journal Summer 2014