Cake! magazine Download and Print May 2019 Cake! Magazine | Page 10
Step 2:
Roll out your medium
grey fondant to a 3mm
thickness and place
over your silicone
lace mat. Roll firmly to
emboss the pattern on
to your fondant. Using a circle cutter,
cut circles appropriate
to the size of your
cupcakes. I like to use
a 8cm cutter for my
domes (I use cupcake
liners with a base
measurement of 55mm).
The domes will need to
be quite a bit larger than
the top of your cupcake
to account for the height
of the dome. Step 5: Step 6: Step 7:
Using a little water,
adhere the moulded
pieces down one side of
a cupcake dome. Place
the larger pieces first,
and fill any gaps with
smaller pieces. Continue filling spaces
until one third of the top
has been covered. Take some titanium
dioxide and brush over
the embossed section of
fondant, highlighting the
lace pattern.
Step 1:
Step 3:
Grease your styrofoam
domes with cooking
spray or vegetable
shortening. Gently lay
your prepared circles
on the domes, being
careful to tidy up the
bottoms so that they are
horizontal. Step 4:
Take your assorted
silicone moulds and
start pressing in pieces
of your light grey
fondant to form shapes.
A mixture of sizes is
important so that any
gaps are filled.
Step 11:
Mix some silver lustre
and titanium dioxide
together to form a light
silver. Brush this over
the bas relief section to
add some shimmer. Mix some rose gold
lustre with titanium
Step 10:
dioxide to form a lighter
shade of rose gold. Mix
Cut a thin band (4mm)
of light grey fondant and with a little rose spirit to
form a paint, and paint
place around the edge
the band with a small
of the dome. Trim the
ends with a sharp knife. brush. Step 8: Step 13: Step 14: Step 15: Step 16:
Mix black petal dust
and titanium dioxide to
form a mid-grey tone.
Brush this over your bas
relief section to give
dimension. Take your ball tool and
foam pad and firmly thin
and frill the edges of
each strip. Using a little water,
adhere your first strip
to the very edge of your
cupcake dome. I like to
roughly pleat my frills
as I go. Repeat this
process with another
3-4 ruffles, placing each
one a little further across
the cupcake. Use a pearl mould
(I used a double border
mould) and attach at the
edge of the ruffles. Take a small sausage of
light pink fondant and
place inside a ziploc
bag. Using your thumb,
apply firm pressure to
the outside of the bag.
Run your thumb down
one side of the sausage,
thinning one side
and leaving the other
Step 9:
Step 12:
Now, let’s work on the
other cupcake dome.
Roll out some light
grey fondant very thinly
(1mm) and cut in to
1.5cm x 10cm strips.