Cake! magazine Download and Print July 2014 | Page 8

Strawberries & Cream Laura Loukaides You will need: Step 2: Step 3: Drill a 6mm hole through both Cake Drums, slightly off centre. Underneath one cake drum, drill a recess half way through using a 12mm drill bit. This will hide the metal nut and washer and keep the support sturdy. This will be the base. Step 5: Step 6: Step 7: Underneath the second cake board, secure another two washers using a metal nut. Make sure everything is tightly secured. Drill a 6mm hole on the edge of your plastic cup. This is where the “spout” of your cream jug will sit. – This photo shows the completed structure for the cake. Roll out a long wide piece of white fondant about 1” taller than the cup. Use a bit of water on the cup and wrap the fondant around it. Make sure the seam is on the opposite side to the hole for the spout. Next, use your little finger to create the spout, pushing down and forward. Step 1: Step 4: Bend the metal studding using a small vice and hammer. Before pushing the metal studding through the cake drums, add the top nut and washer. Nut first, then small washer, then the largest washer. • 2x 8” Cake Drums • Metal studding 12” Long 6mm thick • Hard Plastic Cup • Metal Nuts and Washers • Two Thin Drinking Straws • Paintbrushes • White Fondant • Red Fondant • White Gum Paste • Green Gum Paste • “Dark Brown” Food Gel • “Ivory” Food Gel • “Pink” Food Gel • “Green” Food Gel • Water • Paper Towel • 6” Domed Cake f www