Cake! magazine by Australian Cake Decorating Network November 2018 Cake! Magazine | Page 12

Step 14: Step 13: Let it dry about 8 hours at room temperature or 60 minutes in a dehydrator). When it’s completely dry, age its edges using a round paintbrush and brown dusting powder. Now, stick the oval cookie and Santa cookie together with red icing of medium consisten-cy. Clean off any excess icing with a flat brush, and place a vase or container against the cookie side to keep it from falling over as the icing dries. Step 16: Step 15: Add some edible stars by using a little bit of white royal icing (flooding consistency) as a glue and a round small paintbrush. Complete the cookie project by inserting the twine with a little golden jingle bell into the hole at the very end of the Santa’s hat. Make a knot to secure. Welcome TO THE WONDERFUL COLOURFUL WORLD OF SWEET STICKS W E A R E T H E C O M PA N Y T H AT M A K E S cake decorating easy! OUR VISION IS simple, WE BRING ART INTO FOOD. WE EXIST TO CHANGE AND E V O LV E T H E C A K E D E C O R A T I N G I N D U S T R Y, T O T H E N R E D E F I N E H O W we experience sweets! E D I B L E A R T D E C O R AT I V E C A K E PA I N T f www E D I B L E A R T M E TA L L I C PA I N T PA L E T T E EDIBLEARTPAINT SHARE THE @sweetsticksAU love W W W. S W E E T S T I C K S . C O M . A U SWEET STICKS