Cake! magazine by Australian Cake Decorating Network November 2018 Cake! Magazine | Page 10
You will need:
• Large Santa-shaped cookie • Twine and a jingle bell
• Oval-shaped cookie • Black edible pen
• Christmas quote, printed
(search online for templates) • Christmas design
(flowers and decorations)
• Powder colours: pink, red,
eucalyptus, yellow, citrus
green, moss green, Christmas
green, brown • Piping bags
• Paintbrushes: flat, small
round, dusting brush • White royal icing for flooding
Step 7:
• Scribe
Step 6: You can also draw a
quote of your choice
freehand directly on the
cookie. Step 9: Step 10: Step 11: Step 12:
Trace the Christmas
decorations again, using
the same technique used
in step 5. Put out the colours on
a paint palette and mix
them with a few drops of
vodka. Start paint-ing,
using a paper towel to
dab off excess liquid. Write the ‘Be Merry’ quote
with the black edible pen.
Let the painting and pen
marks dry completely. Apply a coat of red
royal icing of medium
consistency to the oval
cookie with the flat brush,
covering the entire cookie
surface (edges too).
Step 5:
• Couplers
• Rubber piping bag ties
• PME nozzle #2.5
• Red royal icing, medium
• Non-toxic pencil
Place the pencil-side
down on the cookie, and
trace over the quote again
to transfer the pencil
marks to the cookie. Now, trace the Santa
silhouette on another
piece of parchment
paper and start drawing
freehand flowers and
Christmas decorations,
using a printed illustration
as a reference.
Step 8:
Place the pencil-side
down on the cookie,
making sure that you
can adjust the drawn sil-
houette on the cookie.
• Parchment or baking paper
Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4:
Cut out a Santa shape
and an oval shape and
bake them as usual. You
can use a cookie cutter
or a paper pattern if you
prefer. Coat the Santa cookie
with white icing of
flooding consistency. Use
a scribe to flood the entire
surface of the cookie. Let the royal icing dry
completely (about 8 hours
at room temperature
or 60 minutes in a
dehydrator). Print the reverse image of
your chosen quote (using
a photo editor program
like Photoshop) and trace
it with a non-toxic pencil
on parchment or baking