Cake! magazine by Australian Cake Decorating Network November 2014 | Page 3
letter from the editor
Thankyou for reading our November
issue of Cake!
This issue we're celebrating Spring
weddings, with a collection of stunning
sugarflowers, bright colours, and even
a touch of metallic!
We have tutorials for all styles of wedding
and engagement cakes, perfect for any
couple saying 'I do'.
Don't miss our new 'back to basics'
feature with foundation tutorials to
perfect those important basic skills- this
issue includes stencilling secrets with
Janet O'Sullivan.
In this issue we also feature interviews
with some of the best wedding cake
decorators in the world- Mrs Weinstock,
Peggy Porschen and Zoe Clark, just to
name a few.
Interviewing these ladies for this issue
was even more special than usual, as
I had the pleasure of visiting Peggy
Porschen Parlour and Zoe Clark's The
Cake Parlour on my recent trip to London.
Kellie Rudland
contribution manager
Kellie discovered the world of
cakes 8 years ago. Since then
she has worked alongside
pastry chefs as a head
decorator for an established
cake company. Kellie has
recently started her own
couture cake business and
joined the ACDN team in 2013.
Unfortunately for my family our holiday
quickly became a 'cake tour of London'
as I travelled the city interviewing my
cake idols!
We had an absolutely brilliant time at the
Melbourne Cake Bake & Sweets Show
at the start of October. Despite the sore
feet by the end of the weekend, I loved
every second of the show weekend. My
favourite part of the show, of course,
was seeing our Cake Chapel project
come to life.
Liz Wright editor
The amazing Verusca Walker and our
team of 30 ACDN member volunteers
came together to create an edible Cake
Chapel in less than 48 hours- ready for
the wedding of Stef and Dave, which
happened live at the show!
Liz is the editor of Cake! magazine and
founder and owner of the Australian
Cake Decorating Network. Liz grew up
surrounded by cake, spending hours upon
hours watching her mum create stunning
wedding cakes (in the days of extension
Check out our show wrapup from page work and intricate piping!).
83 for photos of our Cake Chapel build, Liz is excited to have the opportunity to
exhibitor listing and lots of photos from use Cake! magazine to showcase the
incredbile talent of cake decorators
the show.
Happy reading XX
COVER IMAGE: Peggy Porschen Cakes
Marianna Saran
Kirsty Vierdag
administrative assistant
mother of two, Marianna has
combined her love for cake
decorating and journalism.
Her mission is to bring Cake!
readers the latest cake
news and interviews with
decorators from around the
WIth a background in marketing
and a passion for baking, Kirsty
has become an integral part
of the ACDN team. Kirsty runs
her own catering business and
specialises in 'clean eating'
snacks as well as delicious
cakes and treats.
Born in Cavite, Philippines,
Rolaine joined the ACDN team
in 2013. Rolaine spent a lot of
time baking while she grew
up but it took a backseat as
she raised a family and grew
her career. Rolaine's love of
baking has been re-ignited
since joining the ACDN team.
Rolaine Raya