Cake! magazine by Australian Cake Decorating Network May 2017 | Page 59

Step 11: Airbrush breadstick. Using a mix of warm brown and ivory, lightly airbrush top and bottom of breadstick. Leave sides unairbrushed. Step 13: Assemble structure: Align wood board under gum paste plate. Locate and mark hole. Drill hole in edge of mark. Step 12: Glaze and top breadstick. Brush on a light coat of confectioners glaze on top of breadstick. Sprinkle crumbled chocolate and dried spices on top. Step 14: Attach wire. Cut length of fly wire using wire snips. Fish through hole. Bend edge. Using washers and screws, sandwich wire to board. Hot glue for added stability. Add small squares of foam core to board. Add glue to board, position gum paste plate atop. Add a ball of modeling chocolate to fill hole.