Cake! magazine by Australian Cake Decorating Network May 2015 | Page 35
Step 2:
Step 1:
Fill your airbrush colour pot ¾ with yellow airbrush
colourand spray one piece of paper (or your fondant
area) with the colour
With the other piece of paper you need to rip the
paper to use as your templates for your woodgrain.
2 triangle/rainbow style rips and then 2 long pieces.
Label them as template 1-4.
Step 3:
Step 4:
Fill your airbrush colour
pot ¾ with brown airbrush
colour. There is no need
to rinse your airbrush out
in this instance (only pour
the yellow back into the
bottle if there is still some
On your piece of coloured yellow paper(or fondant) place template 1 onto the
centre of the area.
Airbrush half onto thetemplate and half onto the yellow base. You only need to
airbrush around once. Continue to move your template down to create arcs.
Ensure you hold the template while you airbrushrather than placing it down
and picking it up as it is much easier to create your wood grain while you are
airbrushing and it won’t blow away from the air from the airbrush. It doesn’t look
pretty and it won’t-just yet.