Cake! magazine by Australian Cake Decorating Network May 2014 | Page 92

6. Everyone has to deal with difficult customers at some point, what are your tips for dealing with these sorts of customers to ensure your businesses reputation isn't damaged? Peggy: In the unlikely event that something goes wrong, it is important to manage the crisis carefully. It is very possible to turn round a complainer into a life-long fan of the company. It is important to acknowledge your mistake or failure, apologise genuinely, describe what you intend to do differently in future and offer compensation which will ideally give you a chance to redeem yourself. Try not to take complaints personally, and if the customer is difficult and you feel that their complaint is unjustified, I always believe that no customer of mine should be left disappointed, no matter the reason why. Janet: My tip is to be kind. Sounds pretty simple and out of left field but a difficult customer or difficult situation can be defused with very simple actions and reactions. Don't take it personally.. You run a business after all and this is business. In the cake world we get very attached to our work and we pour so much time and energy into our work. But we need to detach and remember that at the end of the day we run a business and that comes with its difficult customers from F