Cake! magazine by Australian Cake Decorating Network May 2014 | Page 10

Step 14: Roll out some well kneaded pale green flower paste and using a No Step 13: 52 Gem cutter, cut out a petal. Thin the edges of the petal with a ball To create the third bud take a tool. To attach the calyx place petal double pea size ball of pale green flower paste and roll into a teardrop sideways, wrap calyx around the shape. Mark 3 evenly spaced lines bud securing with a little water or into bud with wheel tool, then insert edible glue. Work base between your fingers to blend in with stem. a damp 24 gauge wire. Dust with Dust calyx with moss green. moss green chalk. Step 15: To create open bud take a large ball of flower paste and roll into a teardrop shape. Mark 3 evenly spaced lines into bud with wheel tool, then insert a damp 24 gauge wire. Dust with apple green chalk. Join us! Join our MAILING LIST to keep up to date with what's happening at the Australian Cake Decorating Network! f [email protected] click here to join our mailing list! Step 16: Roll out some flower paste and using a No 52 Gem cutter, cut out three petals. Thin the edges of each petal with a ball tool also widening slightly. Using a wheel tool run a line down the centre then repeat either side, ending up with 3 vein lines. Attach the petals to the bud with a little water or edible glue, placing them so the lines on the bud are centered t