Cake! magazine by Australian Cake Decorating Network Februrary 2019 Cake! Magazine | Page 51
What’s your favourite medium to work
with? Do you prefer a pre-made florist
paste or do you make your own?
I am actually having my own brand of
flower paste developed at the moment,
and we are so close to perfecting
the finished paste. It’s very exciting.
I would say the last batch of trial
samples were outstanding. I have
never used a paste which is perfect in
every sense of the word, however the
paste I will bring to the market will be
just that.
Though you’re based in the UK, you
spend much of your time teaching
internationally. Do you have any plans
to visit Australia soon?
duck orchid, to process each part
into silicone. Then one day I would
hopefully recreate this stunningly
beautiful flower in sugar.
I love meeting people with the same
passion for sugar flowers as I have. I
also love educating myself on different
cultures and sampling different styles
of cuisine. I long to visit all different
regions of Australia - I have only been
lucky enough to visit Queensland so
far. I would like to go to Tasmania to
find my favourite flower, the flying
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