Cake! magazine by Australian Cake Decorating Network February 2015 | Page 3
Letter from the editor|
Welcome to our first issue of Cake!
magazine for 2015! This year we'll
be celebrating our love of cake with
hundreds of inspirational photos,
tutorials, interviews, recipes and
more, starting with this modelling
themed issue.
planned for 23-25 September 2015.
We are very excited to announce just
some of the incredible decorators
that we will be spending time with on
our NYC Cake Crawl (page 36). Keep
your eye on our Facebook page for
tickets which go on sale in March!
In this issue we feature the best in the
modelling world of cake decorating,
including Carlos Lischetti, Brenda
Walton and Nadia Flecha Guazo.
If you're looking for a way to record
your cake bookings and be more
organised this year then head to
page 88 to see what's inside our 2015
Cake! calendar and booking planner
kit. Included is booking sheets, to
Liz is the editor of Cake! magazine and
do lists, daily and weekly planners,
founder and owner of the Australian
business planning pages and so
Cake Decorating Network. Liz grew up
much more.
We are also very priviledged to
feature a cupcake collaboration, 'It's
a small world', which was created
to commemorate and celebrate
International Children's Day.
Take a look at the incredible
contributions to this collaboration on
page 66, including work by Avalon
Yarnes, Nina Blackburn, Tracy
James, Shawna McGreevy, Sheryl
Bito and more.
Liz Wright
surrounded by cake, spending hours upon
I hope you enjoy this issue of Cake! hours watching her mum create stunning
wedding cakes (in the days of extension
work and intricate piping!).
Happy reading XX
For the first time, the Australian Cake
Decorating Network is taking their
Cake Crawl event internationally,
with our New York City Cake Crawl
Kellie Rudland
contribution manager
Kellie discovered the world of
cakes 8 years ago. Since then
she has worked alongside
pastry chefs as a head
decorator for an established
cake company. Kellie has
recently started her own
couture cake business and
joined the ACDN team in 2013.
Liz is excited to have the opportunity to
use Cake! magazine to showcase the
incredbile talent of cake decorators
Karla Chumpitaz, Sweet K
Marianna Saran
Kirsty Vierdag
administrative assistant
mother of two, Marianna has
combined her love for cake
decorating and journalism.
Her mission is to bring Cake!
readers the latest cake
news and interviews with
decorators from around the
WIth a background in marketing
and a passion for baking, Kirsty
has become an integral part
of the ACDN team. Kirsty runs
her own catering business and
specialises in 'clean eating'
snacks as well as delicious
cakes and treats.
Born in Cavite, Philippines,
Rolaine joined the ACDN team
in 2013. Rolaine spent a lot of
time baking while she grew
up but it took a backseat as
she raised a family and grew
her career. Rolaine's love of
baking has been re-ignited
since joining the ACDN team.
Rolaine Raya