Cake! magazine by Australian Cake Decorating Network August 2016 | Page 11
Step 9:
Use a lime green fondant
colour to make another
donut by following the
same steps.
Step 13:
Sprinkle cornflour to a
double colour donut to
simulate powdered sugar.
Step 10:
Make a light green, baby
blue, and turquoise
donuts. Glue white circles,
smooth, and reopen the
centre using the pointy
tool again.
Step 14:
Make a marbled donut
using pink shades of
fondant. Cut out a 3/4”
circle and a 1 1/4” circle.
Glue them to the centre of
the donut.
Step 11:
Roll thin sausages and
glue them across the
Step 12:
Make a pink donut and
decorate it by cutting out
different dot sizes and
randomly attach them to it.
Step 15:
Roll tiny sausages and cut them into little pieces
to make the sprinkles. Decorate the pink marbled,
turquoise, and dark pink donuts by randomly gluing
the sprinkles.