CAI-Impact-Report-2019-2020 | Page 9

From the Executive Director Where Your Giving Goes The year ending September 2019 was a year of transition for CAI. I joined the team in Bozeman in May. The organization also collaborated with new overseas partners. Together we focused on, and in some cases expanded, the most impactful programs to ensure lasting outcomes. The year brought challenges as well. Unexpected delays overseas limited our spending on international programs to 62%, short of our goal. Yet for those girls, boys, women and men we did reach, the results were tremendous. As this report highlights, CAI continues to change lives through education and empower people to be the change agents their societies so desperately need. Your gift made that possible. We’re so grateful. Better yet, the accomplishments of 2019 laid a foundation. At present, CAI is looking ahead, setting our sights on even greater impacts. With your dedicated support, we’ll reach even greater heights and tackle any challenges that come our way. With gratitude, Alice R. Thomas Where Your Giving Helps The map shows where programmatic funds were spent. How Your Giving Helps Public health 3% Supplies & equipment 4% Other 5% Scholarships 7% Community support 10% Construction 11% Afghanistan 23% Tajikistan 28% Pakistan 49% Vocational & literacy training 3% Overhead 32% Teacher training & salaries 25%