CAI-Impact-Report-2019-2020 | Page 4

CENTRAL ASIA INSTITUTE Statement of Financial Position As of September 30, 2019 CENTRAL ASIA INSTITUTE Statement of Activities and Change in Net Assets For the Year Ended September 30, 2019 CURRENT ASSETS ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents $ 3,151,346 Investments 5,845,675 Prepaid expenses and other assets 196,866 PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT Total current assets 9,193,887 Land 147,200 Buildings and improvements 490,054 Equipment 43,361 680,615 Less: Accumulated depreciation (145,564) NONCURRENT ASSETS Net property and equipment 535,051 Investments, net of current portion 1,078,574 CURRENT LIABILITIES TOTAL ASSETS $ 10,807,512 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Note payable, current $ 36,247 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 234,769 Grants payable 403,868 Total current liabilities 674,884 SUPPORT AND REVENUE Without Donor Restrictions With Donor Restrictions Total Contributions $ 1,729,447 $ 405,189 $ 2,134,636 Investment loss (197,732) - (197,732) In-kind contributions 16,711 - 16,711 Other revenue 4,417 - 4,417 Net assets released from donor restrictions 403,289 (403,289) - EXPENSES Total support and revenue 1,956,132 1,900 1,958,032 Program Services: Global Outreach Program 319,165 - 319,165 Overseas Education and Projects 1,557,586 - 1,557,586 Total program services 1,876,751 - 1,876,751 Supporting Services: General and Administration 752,370 - 752,370 Fundraising 394,527 - 394,527 Total supporting services 1,146,897 - 1,146,897 Total expenses 3,023,648 - 3,023,648 Change in net assets (1,067,516) 1,900 (1,065,616) Net assets at beginning of year, as restated 9,866,914 1,205,962 11,072,876 NET ASSETS AT END OF YEAR $ 8,799,398 $ 1,207,862 $ 10,007,260 NONCURRENT LIABILITIES Note payable, net of current portion 125,368 NET ASSETS Total liabilities 800,252 Without donor restrictions Undesignated 8,354,398 Board designated for Pioneer Fund 445,000 Total without donor restrictions 8,799,398 With donor restrictions 1,207,862 Total net assets 10,007,260 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $ 10,807,512