Cafe Spanglish Magazine 2 | Page 10

Café Spanglish Summer 2015 What is a Quinceañera? by Maribell Sarate The word Quinceañera comes from the Spanish word quince (15) and años (years). In the hispanic tradition Quinceañera is a girl who is turning 15 years old , this special birthday is celebrated with a glamorous reception called “Fiesta de quince años” or “Quinceañera”. During this party, the girl is presented to society as a young lady. This tradition traveled from Europe to the countries conquered by the Spanish crown in the 1500’s. In some Central American countries, the reception is preceded by a religious ceremony at church where a XV pillow specially decorated with the Quinceañera’s name is available for the birthday girl to kneel during the ceremony. Every little girl dreams of this special event in their lives. Parents start planning it one or two years early. The celebration may include a mariachi band, a feast and over 200 guests, similar to a wedding. This is rather an expensive party where there must be special decorations, a throne or decorated chair where the Quinceañera would seat at the reception, a 3 to 5 tier cake decorated according to the colors of the Quinceañera’s dress. The birthday girl wears a ball gown, which can cost anywhere from $1000 to $3000 or more. An escort formed of 7 couples, called damas y chambelanes who are dressed in gowns and tuxedos. The escorts are the Quinceañera’s friends and represents the past 14 years of her life. The escorts would rehearse a waltz to be performed at the party in honor to the Quinceañera. The girl’s parents or godparents must present her the following gifts for her ceremony: Tiara, bracelet or ring, earrings, necklace, prayer book and rosary, flower bouquet, Quinceañera doll, scepter, XV guest registry book, XV photo album, XV gift pillows, Quinceañera flats and heels, engraved cake server set and engraved champagne glasses. During the Ceremony either her mother or godmother would present her with a doll, this doll is the last toy she would receive as little girl, then her father changes the girl’s flat shoes for her first high heeled shoes. There would be a toast to the Quinceañera, and then, the girl will do her first dance with her father, hereafter all gentleman in the room take turns to dance with the birthday girl. This must be done by tapping on the man’s shoulder and bowing politely. After the dance, the Quinceañera and her Chambelán walks among her guests thanking them for their presence and presenting them with a memento or recordatorio of the occasion. This beautiful celebration is widely celebrated in USA especially for 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation latino girls. 10