CAF Update: Americas — Sept 2024 | Página 4

in progress
Mexico | Connect Wild Lands for Wild Cats in Mexico
Jaguars and Pumas — the Western Hemisphere ’ s two largest species of wild cat — as well as Jaguarundi , Ocelots , and Bobcats all roam the wild stretch of coastal mountains in western Mexico known as the Sierra de Cacoma . Here , these wild cats prowl tropical coniferous forests that are also home to thousands of species of plants , mammals , migratory birds , amphibians , and reptiles .
Although the steep , mountainous terrain has offered some protection , these forests are increasingly impacted by illegal deforestation for timber , agriculture , and infrastructure development . With your support , we and our local partner , Pronatura Mexico , seek to protect an estimated 133,012 acres by creating a government-designated Hydrological Protection Area . Because they shelter the headwaters of four important watersheds , these protected acres would also safeguard critical water supplies for communities in the region .
Jaguarundi | Behramkhan03
The Cerrado in Brazil | Duartec65
in progress
Brazil | Protect Rare Ecosystems from Accelerating Destruction in Brazil
Brazil is best known for the Amazon Rainforest . But the country is home to other habitats that also require urgent conservation action . The Cerrado , for example , is the world ’ s most biodiverse tropical savanna . At 505 million acres , this region supports an estimated 5 % of the world ’ s plant and animal species . Adjacent to the Cerrado is the 181-million-acre Caatinga biome , a semi-arid shrubland and thorn forest that supports numerous endemic plant and animal species .
Both biomes face staggering threats from aggressively expanding agriculture and mining . The Cerrado , for example , lost more than 20 % of its tree cover in the last five years alone . Without intervention , this region is at great risk of continuing deforestation and , ultimately , desertification , which can happen when the habitat is damaged so dramatically that the land cannot recover . With your help — and with the support of the Brazilian government — we and Fundação Pró-Natureza ( FUNATURA ) are working to prevent this by protecting 1.1 million acres across three sites in these biomes . Our work will protect essential habitat for numerous species , including the Endangered Crowned Solitary Eagle .
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With your gift to the Conservation Action Fund , Rainforest Trust will take swift conservation action when and where it is needed most . We are working to raise $ 35M by the end of 2025 .
RainforestTrust . org | 1 ( 800 ) 456-4930 P . O . Box 841 , Warrenton , VA 20188
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