spatialBASE spatialENGINEER
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ultimate advancement in engineering
Spatial E-Suite provides the components essential for the capture , storage and presentation of critical corporate information , and is augmented with facilities for transforming raw data into useful information , creating what we call Business Intelligence . In addition , instant access to real-time data provides the capability for automating many of the processes involved in the delivery of services to end-users . Whether the application is outside plant management , engineering , network analysis or service activation , CADTEL provides the tools for leveraging data assets to improve the quality and timeliness of decision-making throughout the organization .
Explore spatialE-SUITE
spatialBASE spatialENGINEER
The ability to interface with both modern and legacy systems preserves your investment in existing information systems while providing a means to upgrade those systems on a schedule that is right for your organization . CADTEL ’ s Spatial E-Suite makes it possible for you to become more productive while improving the quality of service you provide to your customers , generating a significant return on your investment . spatialNAVIGATOR
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SpatialBASE has been enhanced for native 64-bit operation on hardware hosting Windows Server 2003 or 2008 operating systems . Similarly , SpatialENGINEER has been similarly enhanced for native 64-bit operation in Windows XP and Windows 7 operating systems . Windows Server 2008 and Windows 7 , respectively , are recommended .
Cadtel spatialE-Suite
Now even more compatible