Pork Chops in Pineapple and Ginger sauce
12 tortilla wraps (available from most local supermarkets) 6 pork loin chops, each about 2-3 thick
600-900g beef fillet or rump, cut into 10cm sections 1 tablespoon oil
1 tablespoon crushed black peppercorns
Salt & pepper to taste
Grill 2 Braai
2 tablespoons olive oil
Grill 2 Braai
1 medium pineapple, peeled and sliced
10 sage leaves, torn into small pieces 3 slices fresh ginger root
2 tablespoons soy sauce 1 clove garlic
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar ¼ cup water
1 tablespoon salt ¼ cup white wine or a light red wine
Lettuce leaves, sprouts and watercress 2 teaspoon sugar
Plus any additional salad ingredients to your liking: (Leaves can be served whole, carrots and cucumbers Pinch ground cardamom
should be shredded).
Season the pork chops with oil, salt and pepper. Blend half of the pineapple slices along with the ginger,
garlic and water into a fine paste.
Rub crushed peppercorns, sage leaves and some olive oil into the beef. Set aside. Turn the Grill 2 Braai onto
high heat. Place meat sections on the very hot ribbed grill and grill for 5 minutes on each side. Remove and Heat the Ribbed Grill over high heat and reduce it to medium before adding the meat. Fry the pork chops for
wrap in tin foil. 3-5 minutes each side. You can adjust the cooking time depending on your preference.
While the meat is resting, warm the tortilla wraps individually over medium to low heat on the flat side of the Once the chops are sizzling away, place the balance of the pineapple slices onto the Flat Grill and pour over
Grill 2 Braai. Keep them warm in tin foil once they have all been cooked. Unwrap the fillet and slice, against the wine. Let the wine and fruit bubble away and reduce a little before adding the blended mixture. Add more
the grain, then cut into thin strips. Toss the meat with soy sauce, vinegar and salt. Wrap the strips of beef water if the sauce is reducing too fast. When it has reached the consistency of your liking. Add the sugar
and leaves, plus desired ingredients, in tortilla. and a pinch of cardamom. Season the sauce with salt and pepper.
Suggestions for other ingredients: Avocado pear, bell peppers, rocket, coriander, mint, re-hydrated mung bean You can either move the pork chops over to the lovely fruit sauce to caramelise further or you can lift the
noodles, omelette strips and assorted cheeses. Serves 6. chops onto a serving dish and pour the sauce over the succulent meat. Serve immediately. Serves 3-6.