baking STONE
baking STONE
Sandwich of naan bread with grilled vegetables
Grilled pizza with pepper, aubergine and sausage
150 ml milk
Pizza crust
Tomato sauce
350 g meal
3 tablespoons olive oil
½ teaspoon sugar 2 teaspoons yeast
2 shallots or red onion, chopped
150 g yoghurt 1 teaspoon salt
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1 egg 200ml warm water
2 teaspoons dried oregano
2 tablespoons olive oil
700 g fresh or canned
500 g flour Topping
pomedori tomatoes
1 teaspoon salt 1 green pepper
Salt & pepper
1 teaspoon baking powder ½ aubergine, cut into long / small strips
Fresh herbs like thyme, oregano,
Flour for unwinding 200 g slices of sausage (e.g. pepperoni)
rosemary or tarragon (optional)
150 g grated cheese
Dried herbs are also possible
Heat the milk until it’s warm (not hot). Crumble the yeast in a bowl, add sugar and 50 ml of warm milk. Stir 1 onion, cut into small rings
but will taste less strong.
lightly and leave for 12 minutes. Meanwhile beat the egg with yoghurt, the rest of the milk and oil. 2 tablespoons corn
Pour flour in a large bowl and stir with salt and baking powder. Make a well in the centre of the flour and add Pizza crust: Stir the yeast, salt and some pepper in a bowl. Make a well in the centre and pour in the water
the yoghurt and the yeast mix. Start mixing by hand until it’s smooth. Put the dough apart with a humid towel and oil. Add and stir the meal gradually into a soft dough. Mix the dough for about 10 minutes (on a worktop
over it and let it rise for 2 or 2½ hours. The volume needs to be doubled. covered with some meal) until firm and elastic. If it’s too dry add some warm water. Place the dough in a
Pre-heat the BBQ to approximately 200°C. When the dough has rised, knead it once more and split into 10 greased bowl, cover it and leave to rise until the volume has doubled. Tomato sauce: Fry shallots and garlic in
balls. Use a rolling pin to make an elongated bread of each ball, approximately 1 cm thick. Put some flour on heated olive oil in the wok. Add and stir tomatoes and oregano. Leave to cook (low heat) and add extra herbs
the pin and working space to prevent sticking. if desired. Leave for about 5 minutes and let the sauce cool down. Grill peppers on all sides and put them in a
15 g yeast
Baking Stone
2 tablespoons oil
Baking Stone
plastic bag, leave for about 10 mins. Peel skin of the peppers and cut into small, long strips. Cover aubergine
Bake the naan breads on the Baking stone for about 4 minutes and turn over. with some olive oil, peper and salt. Grill on the barbecue. Split the dough into two and roll out into two round
Place the vegetables onto it with slices of mozzarella and basil. Grill for 4 minutes until the naan bread is pizzas. Use meal to prevent sticking. Cover the pizza with tomato sauce leaving about 1cm on the edge. Divide
golden brown and the mozzarella is lightly melted. Meanwhile stir all ingredients for the dressing and add salt pepper, aubergine, shallot, corn, sausage and grated cheese over the pizza and sprinkle with some olive oil.
and pepper. Cut the sandwich in pieces and serve with a yoghurt dressing with garlic and chives. Place on the baking Stone and grill with dome closed for about 4 - 5 minutes until cheese has melted and the
Makes 10 pieces. crest is golden brown. Makes 2 pizzas.