CAD CAM Advantages and Disadvantages Adv & Disadv of CAD CAM | Page 2
CEREC is an acronym of Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic
Ceramics. It is a sophisticated chairside computerised system that
efficiently designs and then manufactures high quality, metal-free
dental restorations with its integrated milling unit.
It uses 3D photography and CAD-CAM technology (computer assisted
design - computer assisted manufacture) to assist us in designing a
virtual restoration i.e. an inlay, overlay, crown or bridge, without
taking impressions. We are very often able to build the actual
restoration while you are still in your dentist chair.
CAD.CAM (computer-aided design/computer-aided
manufacturing) is a general term for a variety of
technologies, including computer numerical control, rapid
prototyping, component modeling and design software.
CAD.CAM technologies were developed during the 1980s and
are now widespread in industry and academia. CAD.CAM
refers to the use of computers and computer-controlled
manufacturing in the design of products.