Advanced Floral Design III
Instructor: Fitzgerald, Leana
Columbia Area Career Center, Greenhouse
4/6/17 - 4/27/17 Th 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
$169, G637.17W
Take the top-level course in floral
design, elevating your technique as
a professional. This class will leave
you complete as you journey through
the many forms of design and the
implementation of design through
decades of floral history. Style, form and
function all play a vital role in design. This
class allows you to take home what you
create each and every time. Fee includes
cost of all materials and students will be
asked to sign a liability waiver.
(4 Sessions)
Western Horseback Riding
Instructor: Smetana, Patricia
Hold Yer Horses, 11681 State Hwy
DD, Ashland Off-Campus Location
4/8/17 - 4/29/17 Sa 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
$179, G544.17W
Prerequisite “Horse Safety” (G588)
or ability to halter, lead, groom and
saddle. It’s time to saddle up and learn
to ride Western. Basics of riding and
horsemanship include balance and the
ability to communicate with your horse.
Learn to ride while playing games on
horseback. Helmet and liability waiver
required. (4 Sessions)
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