Exploring Massage Therapy Columbia Area Career Center , Rm 155 5 / 1 / 17 - 5 / 1 / 17 Mo 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM $ 10 *, G621.17W
Have you ever wanted to learn more about massage therapy or thought about starting a career as a therapist ? This short course will outline the ins and outs of massage therapy and what it means to be a therapist . The instructor will demonstrate common massage techniques and allow the participants time to practice these techniques . Students will leave with their newfound knowledge and be able to practice newly learned massage techniques on friends and loved ones . Students should wear shorts , tank tops and / or sports bra for the full experience . Since students will be learning massage techniques and practicing on others , signing up in pairs is recommended . ( 2 Hours )
Exploring Practical Nursing Columbia Area Career Center , Rm 159 5 / 2 / 17 - 5 / 2 / 17 Tu 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM $ 10 *, G639.17W
Have you thought about a career in nursing ? Join this short class to learn more about the Practical Nursing program and what opportunities this field holds . ( 2 Hours )
Exploring Medical Coding Columbia Area Career Center , Rm 151 5 / 3 / 17 - 5 / 3 / 17 We 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM $ 10 *, G728.17W
Would you like to learn more about the medical coding program ? This short course will outline the opportunities and advantages to this exciting career path . ( 2 Hours )
www . career-center . org / pce 573-214-3803 adulted @ cpsk12 . org Page 33