Guitar for Beginners
Improv for Fun
Columbia Area Career Center, Rm 173 A-B
2/6/17 - 3/20/17 Mo 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
2/23/17 - 2/23/17 Th 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Instructor: Allers, Greg
$79, G176.17W
Come and learn how to play the guitar!
“Guitar for Beginners” will teach you
how to play your instrument with proper
form while making it a fun and enjoyable
experience. A group class for persons
who are new to the instrument or for
those who have only a basic knowledge.
The goal will be to get a solid foundation
in both music and guitar. To gain a
genuine understanding of the instrument
rather than simply memorizing. The
class is taught by a certified instructor
from A Major Music who will teach in a
fun, informative and laid-back learning
environment. Completion of the course
will leave you with proper techniques,
better practicing habits and an
understanding of the instrument in order
to excel in any and all areas of the guitar.
Papers, music and notes will be provided.
All that is needed is a guitar. Contact us if
you need a guitar and need help making
the right choice. (6 Sessions)
Piano for Beginners
Instructor: Allers, Greg
Instructor: Harris, Kira
Columbia Area Career Center, Rm 120
$34, G737.17W
“Improv for Fun” is for anyone, regardless
of previous experience. Join us for a
fun-filled night of improv games. Learn to
work as a group and think on your toes!
(1.5 Hours)
Ballroom Dancing
Instructor: Cwynar, Tom
West Blvd. Elementary, Gym
Columbia, MO Off-Campus Location
2/27/17 - 3/20/17 Mo 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
$59, G502.17W
Fox Trot and Waltz are the two most
popular smooth ballroom dances. You’ll
learn basic steps and routines to glide
across the dance floor. This class is
designed for beginners, but will help
intermediate-level dancers refine their
footwork and learn new content. Couples
or singles may register, but signing up
with someone guarantees a partner!
Leather-soled shoes are recommended.
(4 Sessions)
Columbia Area Career Center, Rm 159
2/16/17 - 3/23/17 Th 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Beginning Swing Dancing
“Piano for Beginners” is a new approach
to learning how to play the piano. It is a
group class which will cover all the basics
of learning the piano, reading music and
understanding music in general. Students
will be taught how to learn and play the
piano at home. The course is taught
by a certified A Major Music instructor
and will have an emphasis on proper
playing techniques and sight reading
music. Other topics include reading staff
notation, rhythms, scales, finger positions,
chords, improvisation, music theory and
songwriting. (6 Sessions)
2/27/17 - 3/20/17 Mo 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
$79, G495.17W
Instructor: Cwynar, Tom
West Blvd. Elementary, Gym
Columbia, MO Off-Campus Location
$59, G540.17W
Do you want to learn to dance but don’t
know where to begin? Swing is for you!
The East Coast Swing or Jitterbug, is
popular at weddings, reunions and
parties. These moves, turns and snappy
combinations will let you swing to rock
and roll, country and big band songs.
Couples or singles may register, but
signing up with someone guarantees
a partner! Leather-soled shoes are
recommended. (4 Sessions) 573-214-3803
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