CAA Material Media Kit | Page 4

Apt . itudes quarterly magazine
Advertiser Information :

Apt . itudes quarterly magazine

Digital EditionBranding Opportunities
Please select from the following options and return the completed form to your account executive today . All positions are exclusive and will be awarded on a first-come , first-served basis .
1 . Select from the following options :
Digital Edition Sponsorship | $ 700
Digital Edition Skyscraper | $ 500
Digital Edition Toolbar | $ 300
All rates are per insertion . Invoices are issued upon publication .
2 . Choose the issue ( s ) in which you would like your ad to run :
� Third Quarter 2013 ( CHP-Q0313 ) � First Quarter 2014 ( CHP-Q0114 ) � Fourth Quarter 2013 ( CHP-Q0413 ) � Second Quarter 2014 ( CHP-Q0214 )
3 . Total your order : $_______________ ( Ad Price ) x _______ ( Number of Issues ) = $_______________ TOTAL PRICE
Advertiser Information :
Company Name :_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Primary Contact :_________________________________________ Position :______________________________________________________ Address : _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City : ______________________________________________ State / Province :_____________ Zip / Postal Code :___________________________ Phone :_____________________________________________________ Fax :______________________________________________________ Email :__________________________________________________ Website :______________________________________________________
I agree to all the terms of the rate sheet and this contract as applicable for my company .
Payment Authorization Signature : X _________________________________________ Date :________________________
All cancellations must be received in writing and all premium positions ( banners ) are NON-cancelable . Cancellations of online ads will be prorated to the next 30 days exposure with a $ 50.00 processing fee . Submission and / or approval of online advertising copy must be received within 60 days of this contract .( CHP-Q0313 )
Please sign and return to :
SaraCatherine Goodwin Naylor , LLC Phone : 770-810-6977 Fax : 770-810-6995 sGoodwin @ naylor . com
Chicagoland Apartment Association