CA March for Life: Sacramento 101 | Page 7

Sacramento 101 Meeting Your Legislators PREPARE FOR THE MEETING To find out when your federal Senator or Representative will be in their local office, you can: call their local office, check their website, or get on their mailing list. On session weeks, the best time to visit your local office is typically Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. The best time to visit in your DC office would be on Thursdays. Whether you arrange to meet with your elected officials in Washington or their local district offices, here are some rules to follow. These rules apply to meeting with California elected officials as well: Plan to discuss no more than two issues. Meetings are scheduled to last from 15 to 45 minutes. If you have any supporting handouts, charts or graphics, bring them with you. Consider taking extra copies in case staff members request them. Find out where your legislator stands and has voted on your issue. Many pro-life groups, such as Americans United for Life, Concerned Women for America, Family Research Council, and National Right to Life have excellent scorecards. AT THE MEETING Arrive about 10 minutes before the appointment time. At least, be on time. Dress neatly and conservatively. Be courteous and respectful. Relax. Do not be upset if you end up meeting with the legislator’s staff. They are often more knowledgeable of individual issues than the legislators themselves, and they WILL inform the legislator of your views and requests.