Who made this happen?
If you want to be involved in the training you can observe us- organisers on our social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hamoment/ and our website: http://hamoment.org -
we will be loud about this !
Make sure to check as well the partners of this project
Associazione Agrado from ITALY: http://www.associazioneagrado.com
Association Mundus from SPAIN: http://www.asociacionmundus.com
Youthfully Yours from GREECE: http://youthfullyyours.gr
Narviksenteret from NORWAY: https://narviksenteret.no
Hugarafl from ICELAND: http://www.hugarafl.is
Keuropa from FINLAND: https://goo.gl/6F2k68
Jeden Świat from POLAND: http://jedenswiat.org.pl
ANEV from CZECH REPUBLIC: http://www.avcz.cz/default.html
PINA from SLOVENIA: http://www.pina.si/en/
Black Friday
Main support
Portuguese National Agency of Erasmus Plus Youth in Action: https://juventude.pt
Erasmus Plus Programme
Additional support
Anjos70: http://anjos70.org
Brickoven Palace: http://www.brickovenpalace.com/the-brickoven-palace
IronicLisbon: http://ironiclisbon.com