C15_24_Digital | Página 11



JENNA BUEGE Senior editor for VAX VacationAccess and world explorer , Jenna Buege loves writing about all things travel . When she ’ s not busy creating content , she spends her time exploring the great outdoors , cuddling with her two black cats and researching her next big ( sometimes strange ) adventure .
ALESANDRA DUBIN Alesandra Dubin is a news and lifestyle editor and writer based in Los Angeles . A veteran digital journalist , she ’ s covered travel , food , events , fashion and beauty , entertainment , home , parenting and viral content for more than 15 years , for both consumer and business audiences . Her work has appeared in Town & Country , Esquire , Cosmopolitan , Good Housekeeping , Parents , E !, BravoTV . com , BuzzFeed , TODAY . com and countless other online and print outlets .
SAMANTHA ANDERSON Samantha Anderson is the editorial intern for VAX VacationAccess . A communications and journalism major at Carroll University , she can always be found on the soccer field or with her nose in the latest book . New to the industry , she ’ s excited to write travel content and is looking forward to the next big adventure that awaits !
LESLIE LANG Leslie Lang is a Hawai ’ i-based writer who writes about technology as well as the Hawaiian Islands . Her latest book , “ What Would Our Kupuna Do ?: And What We Can do For Future Generations ” is co-written with Richard Ha and available on Amazon .

Thank you to our talented writers for your creativity , which helps bring The Compass to life each issue .