took hold or where the cruise industry was 50 years ago and then consider what these markets look like today ,” she said .
Think back to when you first started out as a travel advisor . There was surely a specific product or travel type that you never envisioned yourself selling . Now think about all the milestones you ’ ve hit along the way , all the unique experiences you ’ ve booked for your clients , and ask yourself this question : Why not me ? Why can ’ t you be the one to book a seat to space ?
Preparing Advisors for Launch
When it comes to working with Space Perspective , the company is committed to supporting the travel advisor community .
This futuristic product , and space tourism in general , feels intimidating to many advisors , but there are resources available to get a grasp on the offerings .
Whether it ’ s to learn more about how it works or to work together on marketing initiatives , Space Perspective encourages advisors to engage with their team and set up training to discover more about what this experience entails for their clients .
“ Space Perspective is deeply committed to supporting the travel advisor community ,” Poynter said . “ For starters , we specifically chose Edyta Teper , our VP of Global Sales & Trade , to lead our sales strategy because she comes from this world and understands the value and benefit that is realized through engaging this community . We have also established generous commissions and flexible policies because we know from experience how to create a win-win dynamic and build lasting relationships with our partners in the industry .”
Interested in selling this life-changing journey ? Travel advisors who would like to learn more details about this opportunity can visit the Space Perspective website : www . spaceperspective . com .
“ We know that looking down on Earth from space will completely change one ’ s perception of the world and our place within it ,” Poynter said . “ And we believe that the more people who have this perspective shift , the better off our planet will be into the future .”
“ Space tourism is still very new and next , and to be most comfortable and confident selling our experience , we recommend engaging with us for ongoing training to best capture this high-growth market . It ’ s an exciting , once-in-a-lifetime moment we are in presently , but it requires knowledge and expertise , which we are here to offer — with an emphasis on how we are building the experience in a highly tested and safe way , and how our gentle flights are far different from what the public still thinks of when they think of traveling to space . It ’ s a pleasure and an honor to work with our partners in this way .” — Jane Poynter
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