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is not exactly what you thought . It ’ s a gentle , peaceful journey enhanced with food and beverage service , comfortable seating and Wi-Fi . After two unforgettable hours soaking up an experience of a lifetime , you begin a gentle descent that ends with a soft splash in the ocean before being brought back onto MS Voyager to commemorate with a toast . You ’ ve secured your spot in space history .
Now , this might not seem like a realistic scenario for many travelers , but the insatiable curiosity of explorers and scientists has brought space travel within reach .
Exploration Travel Reaches New Heights
With a goal of making space travel accessible to more people than ever , Space Perspective plans to take the experience to a whole new level . According to Jane Poynter , founder , co-CEO and CXO of Space Perspective , the trends in travel are shifting , and travelers are on the lookout for this type of “ unique and transformative ” experience .
“ Not only is the luxury experience market set to double in the next 5-10 years , but adventure travel itself is one of the fastest growing tourism markets ,” Poynter said . “ Space tourism is expected to become an $ 8 billion industry within this decade , and we are well positioned to capture that market with a reimagined spaceflight experience that is the safest , most advanced and most accessible of any space travel option right now .”
Intrepid explorers have long been searching for the next best thing to curb their appetite
Rendering of Spaceship Neptune ’ s interior
Rendering of Spaceship Neptune and aerial view of Earth
for adventure . They ’ ve dove down to the depths of the oceans , scaled the world ’ s tallest mountains and taken expedition vessels to the most remote areas on Earth . Now they ’ re looking to space for their next journey .
Andrea Wright , vice president , luxury sales at Opulence by Outside Agents , noticed that the COVID era heightened the realization of experiences being more important than “ stuff ,” and travelers are no longer waiting for retirement to check off their bucket list adventures .
“ The hunger to go where no one has gone
before and the demand for experiencing something extraordinary has exploded , and space travel surely fits in that category of being one of the ‘ first ’ to experience something truly unique and different ,” Wright said .
A Focus on What ’ s Next
Selling reservations to space ? This is surely hard to grasp for some travel advisors , but the future is here . Wright reminds advisors that you only get one opportunity to pave the way when it comes to new experiences in the travel industry , so it ’ s important to keep up with the latest trends .
“ I ’ m certain most of the advisors have never even considered the thought of selling a seat to space , but that ’ s where the ‘ out of the box ’ advisors will continue to lead the way , and be more successful ,” Wright said .
The savviest of advisors know that keeping up with market trends is imperative . It ’ s crucial to be able to deliver on what your travelers are looking for . The second your client approaches you with a new idea that you either know nothing about or completely disregard , they ’ ll instantly walk the other way — into the hands of someone willing to work with them .
Poynter reminds travel advisors to think about how rapidly other travel markets have taken off and encourages them to embrace space travel and position themselves as experts in this emerging field . “ I would encourage advisors to think about how quickly commercial aviation
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