YOU ASKED : I have seen other agents that book in VAX with their agency logo on quotes and e-documents . How can I add my agency logo ?
MAXWELL SAYS : Brand recognition is everything ! We realize it is very important to keep your agency name / logo in front of your clients at all times , which is why we realized the need to offer this enhancement to your individual or agency profile . The details of this complimentary feature can be found by using the search tool on the VAX homepage and typing in “ agency logo .”
Please note that the Site Manager for your agency needs to approve and submit these requests on your behalf to ensure you are a registered user under their agency number . Once submitted , our team will process and upload , and within five business days , your personalized quotes and documents will be ready to go .
YOU ASKED : I accidentally booked a Basic Economy fare for my clients , and they were not happy about not being able to get seat assignments . I do not want to make this mistake again . Is there an option for me to hide these fares so I don ’ t see them ?
MAXWELL SAYS : Where Basic Economy fares are great for a client that wants the absolute lowest price and is made aware of all of the restrictions , we realize there are advisors who will never sell these fares and therefore don ’ t want to see them as an option .
VAX offers many filters to make your quoting experience as seamless as possible , and this is a filter you can control . Navigate to the filter by clicking the gear icon at the top right-hand corner of VAX and selecting “ Member Services .” From here , under “ Administrative Tools ,” you will see options to change your personal information and your password in addition to a section labeled “ User Preferences ,” which is where you will find personalized settings for your profile .
In addition to choosing the “ Hide Basic Economy Fares ” option , you can also set a default origin or destination airport code . If you sell out of a specific origin for most of your clients , setting this default will alleviate you having to type it in every search .
YOU ASKED : I book mostly cruises and usually do their pre- and post-stay , car rental and airfare all individually . Another advisor suggested that I do this as a package with one of the suppliers in VAX to make more commission and have it all on one booking . What is the easiest way to do this ?
MAXWELL SAYS : Well , your advisor friend is correct ! We have many cruise advisors using our suppliers in VAX to create a full itinerary including all the components you mentioned . You can watch a quick and easy tutorial on this under the “ Education ” tab in VAX ’ s navigation . Just choose “ VAX Training and Education ” from the dropdown , and it is listed under the “ Book on VAX ” section , called “ Pre and Post Cruise .” If your clients just need a pre or post hotel , you can make a reservation as simple as that or as robust as including the full air , hotel , car and excursions . Don ’ t forget you can offer your clients one of the travel protection plans available from our suppliers to cover all of the components , as you ’ ll earn commission on that as well . Best yet , you can send your clients just one document for all of this which they will thank you for .
Have a question for Maxwell ? Send it to us at training @ vaxvacationaccess . com and we ’ ll send it his way . Then check out the next issue of The Compass magazine to see if he answered it .
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