NACH-NOTH / SHUTTERSTOCK . COM to information through remote assistance . What exactly does that mean ? Via their phone ’ s camera , Aira connects users with a trained agent who will assist them by visually interpreting their surroundings . From describing and navigating their environment to reading and explaining , the app helps users connect with the world around them at the push of a button .
GOOGLE TRANSLATE With the ability to decipher real-world text like menus and signs through a phone camera and an option to draw tricky accents , symbols and diacritics directly on screen , Google Translate goes above and beyond the capabilities of the average translation app . Boasting an accuracy level of up to 94 % ( depending on the language ), this tool aids travelers in having basic conversations when a language barrier is present . Plus , Google Translate has the option to “ speak ” translated words and phrases out loud , helping users learn the correct pronunciation along the way .
Two people communicate through their cell phones .
TRAVELLO An app designed to connect travelers from around the world , Travello helps users find travel buddies , share their memories , align plans in destination and earn rewards . Wondering how it works ? App users can share their upcoming itineraries to the platform to see a list of fellow travelers who will be in their destination at the same time , thus allowing users to connect and plan to meet . Additionally , Travello users can find their next adventure buddy through groups designed to appeal to different niches like blogging , backpacking , photography , solo travel and more .
Apps like Wheelmap help wheelchair users find accessible places while traveling .
WHEELMAP Wheelchair users know the struggle of finding accurate information surrounding accessibility while on the go . Luckily , there ’ s an app for that : Wheelmap . An interactive map designed to help users find wheelchair-accessible places , Wheelmap uses a simple traffic light system to rank accessibility in three categories : Green - fully wheelchair accessible , Orange - partially wheelchair accessible and Red - not wheelchair accessible . The map is ever-evolving , and app users can play a part too by ranking unmarked places — which will appear as grey — according to their experience .