The Te Amo Foundation is a charity that serves families living in extreme poverty throughout Mexico .
Travel advisors can find a list of FAM trips to join at mexicofamtrips . com or make a donation at mexicofamtrips . com / te-amo /# donate . Donations can also be brought along during vacations to the Cancun area . Email info @ mexicofamtrips . com to arrange for someone to pick them up .
Lori Swinderman Swinderman and Scheiman pose with a group during one of their visits .
Travel advisors have the opportunity to visit these villages and see exactly where their donations go during a trip with Mexico FamTrips or one of the Giveback Fams in conjunction with ALG Vacations . Donations can also be made on the website or brought along on vacations to the Cancun area .
“ We love taking travel advisors out to the villages for the first time ! We often stay at these amazing luxurious hotels , and we are waited on hand and foot . We can easily forget the people that make that possible ,” said Swinderman . “ They are so proud to show us their homes and are so incredibly thankful . I love it when we can see the change in someone ’ s eyes when they really ‘ get it .’ We have the opportunity to change lives around us with what we do . We literally move wealth all over this world in our industry .”
Swinderman and her team have big plans to grow Te Amo in the future , which include expanding their services to additional villages south of Tulum , increasing the amount of Giveback Fams offered in 2024 and providing furniture and air conditioning units to at least three more schools .
Swinderman and Scheiman have a history of providing baby supplies to the General Hospital in Playa del Carmen , and their 2024 plans also include dispersing diaper bags to the hospital three to four times throughout the year .
If Te Amo ’ s vision , “ to gather resources for families throughout the entire country that live in despair , so their children can have an opportunity for better life ,” is something you ’ re interested in supporting , visit mexicofamtrips . com / te-amo to learn more .
Visitors can bring backpack donations .